"The thing that matters most is knowing your customer, who they are, what they want, and what they need."
Dawn Nanfito, Echo Researcher
We’re a dedicated group of Masters in Library Science, experienced Librarians and highly trained Information Professionals functioning as a tightly-integrated team.
We love what we do, and are passionate about helping you find answers, organize your information, and meet strategic challenges. How can we help your organization?
There is boundless potential with the vast skillset our team provides.
What could we do for your organization? LEARN MORE
An easily searchable, organized and preserved archive will make your intellectual property work for you now and drive your legacy for the future.
Findability is critical. A well-managed content management strategy will enrich your content + allow for reliable discovery + more.
+ Learning Centers
Your information is an organizational asset. Physical and digital information resources are essential for supporting continued learning across your enterprise.
To support your initiatives, Echo provides meticulously referenced, in-depth, industry-specific and customized research.
Confessions of a Research Nerd
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